Is This Podcast All About?

Wait...What!? is an often humorous, sometimes ferocious, but always entertaining romp through the bizarre memes that inspire mass lunacy, religious fanaticism, and ideological intransigency where basic reasoning is overwhelmed by willful ignorance. Why do people believe and refuse to ask simple questions about the nonsense they are fed by corrupt politicians, unscrupulous religious predators, and ordinary scam artists? What is the psychological mechanism that makes masses of people behave in ways that would make lemmings point and chortle? When X-files hero Fox Mulder said, "I want to believe" he was unknowingly speaking for religious fundamentalists, conspiracy theorists, UFO true believers, nut-case truthers, and ideologues who run the gamut from skin heads to Antifa -- people for whom there is never another side to a difficult issue. What causes these people to willingly embrace nonsense -- ideas and claims that make little or no sense -- and shut out facts and reason as if they repositories of the Corona virus? What strange predisposition keeps them from putting both hands in the stop gesture and saying, Wait...What? 

Journey from a safe distance to a world where objective, reasoned thinking has been replaced with the powerful appeal of irrationally simple and intrinsically idiotic answers. 

Howard Siegel is an attorney, author, former MSNBC legal analyst, and hapless, sysphysian golfer. He has appeared on 60 Minuets, Larry King Live, The Today Show, NPR, and PBS. He lives in South Carolina where he is a practicing heathen, heretic, and herbivore.

Podcast Episodes on Spotify

Episode 42: The Great Lemming Slaughter, I VS. We and Red Covid

Episode 41: Paragliding with Bigfoot

Episode 40: It’s Just a Mask, You Morons

Episode 39: Kayfabe: Professionals Wrestling is Real, and the Election was Fake

Episode 38: Reasoning. A Primer for Morons and the 70% of Republicans Who Think Trump Won

Episode 37: The Normalization of Evil in America

Episode 36: The Circle of Life. Rethinking the Lion King

Episode 35: The Fault Dear Brutus Lies with the 87%

Episode 34: Armyworms, Chiggers, O.J. Simpson, and the Trumpers in the Woodpile.

Episode 33: The First Amendment Lecture for Morons. Donald, Rudy, and Sean

Episode 32: What All Trump Supporters Really Have in Common

Episode 31: A Man Who Thinks Like a Serial Killer and the People Who Admire Him

Episode 30: The Black President, the White Quarterback, and the Rise of Reactionary Ignorance

Episode 29: The Great Election Fraud. The Insane, the Irrefutable, and the Undeniable.

Episode 28: QAnon. Mass Insanity Today and Yesterday.

Episode 27: The Morning After the Election

Episode 26: One Word That Says Everything About Donald Trump

Episode 25: The Joy of Schadenfreude. Did You Want to Fist Bump When You Heard Trump Had Covid?

Episode 24: The Tao of Donald. A Brief Explanation of the Phrase, “Let Me Be Honest With You.”

Episode 23: If You Support a POTUS Who Refuses to Take Violence Off the Table in the Event He is Defeated...

Episode 22: William Jennings Bryan. The Fundamentalist Who Warned Us About Social Darwinism and the Coming of Donald Trump.

Episode 21: How to Lose an Election to a Moron

Episode 20: How Donald Trump Became the 13th Apostle and Explained the Resurrection. Wait...What?

Episode 19: The Genesis Implosion. Part 3: Repairing the Hole.

Episode 18: The Genesis Implosion. Part 2: The Mind of God. What Was He Thinking?

Episode 16: How Did We Become Children of the Morlocks? What Causes That?

Episode 15: A Unified Field Theory of Donald Trump. Hale Bopp!

Episode 14: Trump the Super Spreader and the Fork in the Road to Rwanda

Episode 13: Infallible! What Happens if the Pope Changes His Mind...About Almost Everything?

Episode 12: The Great MAGA Mask War. When Selfishness Joined Forces with Stupidy

Episode 11: A Modest Proposal Revisited, the Cannibal and the Preach Vegan

Episode 10: America, Love It or Leave It! Me? I’m Going to Stay Right Here and Make a Tee Time with Colin Kaepernick.

Episode 9: The Limits of Respect for Other People’s Opinions

Episode 8: The Racist in the Closet and the Indecent American

Episode7: Predator the Prequel

Episode 6: Predator Revisited

Episode 5: Dancing Around the Lake of Fire

Episode 4: Misson Impossible and Jimmy’s Johnson

Episode 3: The Normalization of Cultural Stupidy

Episode 2: Fundamentalism. Abandon Reason All You Enter Here

Episode 1: The Divine Comedy, Trump, and the Psychopath Test

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